Tuesday 26 December 2017

Crystallized Knowing: A Winter Solstice Reflection

It’s as dark as it can be.
The days are at their shortest.
The news is even darker as
They feed us with fear
And greed and hate.

We look desperately for light,
Or distraction or addiction
To feed the fear.
But it is never satiated, no
It charges back like a grizzly bear
Wanting more.

Where is the light?
Oh bring us light, bring us light!
Let the sun return!
In the dark we feel alone,
Blind and invisible to the others
Huddling from the cold.

But then,
Walking up a snow covered winter hill
Into the setting sun
Ice crystals emerged, 
Magically it seemed,
From the cold air,
Caught the light of the sun
And floated, spun, danced, pirouetting 
In their slow enchanting descent.
And we were delighted, uplifted
Even enlightened (dare I say it).

A single photon,
a tiny packet of particles
Defined by our eyes’ ability to perceive it.
The smallest amount of light
Visible to a human

And our DNA, our genetic codes,
The mastermind of our being
That infinitesimally small structure
Emits…. Wait for it….
You won’t believe it’s possible
But they say it’s true:
Our DNA emits photons!

What does this mean?
How do the photons get in there?
Do we create them?
Do we ingest them?
Are we beings of light?

Maybe we don’t know what we are.
Maybe we don’t know who we are.
Maybe we have believed the lies
That we are nothing, never enough
Powerless, alone, dark.

But the ice crystals remind me
Of who I am
Of my place here
Of my responsibility
To (and my mother would love this)

Let my light shine!

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