Hylda had been hiking all morning along the bank of the
river. She had stopped over and over
again to look at the plants that grew along the path. She greeted each one by name and stopped to
admire what she found special about each one.
It was late spring and the Red Baneberries and False Solomon’s Seals
were flowering. The Coltsfoot flowers
were gone but their leaves were emerging along the side of the trail.
The sun was high in the sky and she was getting very
warm. She spied a large Elder Tree up
ahead. It was covered in the beautiful
white flowers that grew in umbrels all over the tree. Each tiny flower had five
white petals and five long stamens reaching out to the bees that spread the
pollen. Stopping to breath in their beautiful scent, Hylda decided that this
would be a fine place for lunch.
Spreading out the jacket that she no longer needed for warmth, she sat
in the shade of the Elder Tree and slowly ate the food that she had brought
with her. The scent of the Elder flowers
was so heady that she found herself breathing deeply. With the food in her stomach, the warmth of
the sun and her deep breathing, Hylda soon curled up on her outspread jacket
and fell asleep.
It wasn’t long before a kindly old woman stepped out from
within the Elder tree. She wore a green
dress that was bordered at the neck line with Elder flowers. Her curly wild white hair gave off the
perfume of the flowers. Her eyes were a deep blue. Smiling, she
took Hylda’s hand and indicated that they should start walking. The woman followed willingly. She felt like a little girl holding her
mother’s hand as they walked along.
The Elder Mother and Hylda followed the river which curved
to the right. As they rounded the bend,
the woman could see people ahead of them standing by another Elder Tree. The people were dressed in clothes from a
long, long time ago. Together they sang
out “Lady Ellhorn, give me of thy wood, and I will give thee of mine, when I
become a tree.” The Elder Tree was
covered in berries and one of the women began picking them and putting them in
a rough basket. “I will make a tonic for
my sick child with these,” she told the tree.
One of the men cut a length of wood from a branch of the tree. “I will use this to blow on the fire and to
make a whistle,” he told the tree.
Another woman took a piece of bark.
“I will use this to bring down the swelling in me old dad’s legs,” she
told the tree. “Our Elder Mother surely
takes good care of us all,” she murmured.
Hylda thought she caught sight of the kindly old woman
smiling from within the branches. But
when she looked beside her, the Elder Mother was there, smiling just the same. She tugged on Hylda's hand and they walked past these folks as
though they were invisible and followed the serpentine curve of the river. Up ahead, Hylda saw a priest standing with
his back to an Elder Tree. He was
speaking loudly to a small group of women.
The women were dressed in clothing from long ago as well but not as long
ago as the first group. “Witches live in
this tree. Stay away from it or the
devil will take up home on your roof!”
He cried. “If you take any wood
from this tree, you will be cursed!” The
women turned and sadly walked away from the priest. Hylda looked at the Elder
Tree and saw the kindly old woman in its branches begin to shrink in size until
she could barely be seen.
Hylda looked at the Elder Mother who still held her
hand. The Elder Mother was smiling. She let go of the woman’s hand and disappeared. Looking at the Elder Tree and the happy
women, Hylda saw the broad grin on the face of the Elder Mother in the tree before
she receded behind the leaves and disappeared once again.
When she opened them again, she was lying once again under
the Elder Tree. The sun was much lower
in the sky. Shielding her eyes, she
looked up at the tree and saw the milky white flowers reaching up to the sky
like clouds. Getting to her feet, she
saw the spring flowers along the trail once again. She picked an umbrel of sweet smelling Elder flowers and put it in her hair. Smiling like the Elder Mother she began
walking back up the trail. She wasn’t
going home though. She was already
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