Wednesday 17 February 2021

Moosehide Campaign Day Attracts 80.000

This is the 10th anniversary of the Moosehide Campaign which seeks to engage men to commit to working towards an end to violence towards women and children. 

The COVID pandemic has made it hard to connect physically and to have the usual events that are held on this day.  There is always a nation wide fast for the men participating and some celebrations across the country.  And in Victoria, BC, there is usually, a parade of people drumming on their way to the Provincial Legislature.  The legislators wearing their Moosehide pins come outside and meet the fasters on the steps for speeches and ceremony.  So, that couldn't happen this year.  And the pandemic has also contributed to an increase in the rates of violence towards women and children which makes the work even more important.

Not dissuaded by the obstacles of the pandemic, the Moosehide Campaign moved forward with an on-line event that had 80,000 people logging on to be a part of it.  Men were asked to fast for the day as a sign of their commitment to end violence against women and children and the virtual event let these men and their supporters connect and grow closer through the experience of fasting and ceremony.  There was a Sunrise Ceremony and a Breaking the Fast ceremony as well as workshops, a youth space, an on-line fire, elders teaching and more.  Official witnesses attended and spoke at the closing ceremony.

You can view a welcome to this day from co-founders Paul LaCerte and his daughter Raven here: 

If you go to the Moosehide Campaign website you can view messages from Elders, videos and soon the workshops will be available for viewing as well.

The paradox of these times is that while we can’t meet with those we usually spend time with in person, we can connect on-line with people we would never have met before the pandemic.  It is beautiful to see Elders sharing their wisdom from beside the fire.  Their words can transcend the space between us and land in our hearts.  It is life-giving to join in with other people who are imagining and creating change.  From a father and daughter out hunting moose on the land to 80,000 people joining on-line in a space of ten years is very encouraging for this grassroots movement.

I invite you to check out some of these videos.  The world is changing and these are some of the changemakers who are inviting all of us to join together to create a better world.  I believe them.  I wear my Moosehide pin.  I have conversations with people about ending violence towards women and children, particulary, Indigenous women.  Change is happening.  It can be done.

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