Tuesday 4 August 2020

Wisdom of the Earth Rising

This is an image that popped into my head a few weeks ago.  I have been in dialogue with other artists on the Tree Sisters website about global events.  The idea of symbolizing the dominant western hierarchical worldview with a pyramid was discussed.  The worldview of the interconnectedness of all life can be symbolized by a circle.  In the picture that popped into my mind the old worldview was crumbling, pieces of the pyramid had fallen away or were melting while circles representing ancient wisdom, earth wisdom, and Indigenous knowledge which is both ancient and of the earth, were rising to take their place.  As well the sun and moon representing male and female energy in balance showed up.  And then circles coming, it seemed from the stars, appeared which to me represent Universal love. 

It has been said that we are all contributing to our collective consciousness which is shaping our future.  This is the image that I want to contribute to that consciousness.  It is acrylic on canvas 16" x 12".

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